Local search algorithms

AIMA Book chapters recommended: 2 (Intelligent agents), 3 (Solving problems by searching), 4 (Beyond classical search)

The usage of the local search algorithms are very similar to the search algorithms explained on the Search algorithms section, so you should start by reading that section and then come to this.

We will use the same example, detailing only the changes.

Differences on the problem class

To use local search you will have to implement a problem class just as the one you implemented for search algorithms (you can use the same, of course). The only differences will be this:

  • you won’t need to implement the is_goal method, because local search algorithms check for states with “better values”, and not for “goal states”.
  • you must implement a new method called value: This method receives a state, and returns a valuation (“score”) of that value. Better states must have higher scores.


# class Problem...

    def value(self, state):
        # how many correct letters there are?
        return sum(1 if state[i] == GOAL[i] else 0
                   for i in range(min(len(GOAL), len(state))))

For algorithms that require generation of random initial states (like hill climbing with random restarts, or genetic search), you must define a new method:

  • generate_random_state: this method receives nothing, and must return a randomly generated state.


import random

# class Problem...

    def generate_random_state(self):
        # generate a random initial string
        # note that with this example, not always we will find a solution
        return random.choice(letters)

Searching for solutions

This works exactly as for search algorithms.

They have help like the search algorithms, and return the same type of result.

The implemented local search algorithms are:

simpleai.search.local.beam(problem, beam_size=100, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Beam search.

beam_size is the size of the beam. If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, SearchProblem.value, and SearchProblem.generate_random_state.

simpleai.search.local.beam_best_first(problem, beam_size=100, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Beam search best first.

beam_size is the size of the beam. If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, and SearchProblem.value.

simpleai.search.local.genetic(problem, population_size=100, mutation_chance=0.1, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Genetic search.

population_size specifies the size of the population (ORLY). mutation_chance specifies the probability of a mutation on a child, varying from 0 to 1. If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.generate_random_state, SearchProblem.crossover, SearchProblem.mutate and SearchProblem.value.

simpleai.search.local.hill_climbing(problem, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Hill climbing search.

If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, and SearchProblem.value.

simpleai.search.local.hill_climbing_random_restarts(problem, restarts_limit, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Hill climbing with random restarts.

restarts_limit specifies the number of times hill_climbing will be runned. If iterations_limit is specified, each hill_climbing will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, SearchProblem.value, and SearchProblem.generate_random_state.

simpleai.search.local.hill_climbing_stochastic(problem, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Stochastic hill climbing.

If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, and SearchProblem.value.

simpleai.search.local.simulated_annealing(problem, schedule=<function _exp_schedule>, iterations_limit=0, viewer=None)[source]

Simulated annealing.

schedule is the scheduling function that decides the chance to choose worst nodes depending on the time. If iterations_limit is specified, the algorithm will end after that number of iterations. Else, it will continue until it can’t find a better node than the current one. Requires: SearchProblem.actions, SearchProblem.result, and SearchProblem.value.