Source code for simpleai.machine_learning.classifiers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

Classifiers implemented:
 * Decision tree:      See
 * Naive Bayes:        See
 * K-Nearest Neighbor: See

import numpy
from collections import defaultdict
from simpleai.machine_learning.models import Classifier
from simpleai.machine_learning.metrics import Counter, OnlineInformationGain, \

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

[docs]class DecisionTreeLearner(Classifier): """ This implementation features an algorithm that *strictly* follows the pseudocode given in AIMA. It's obviously ineficient in too many ways (perhaps incomplete too), but it's intended to be used pedagogically. See the other implementations in this same file for some discusiĆ³n and issues solved. This algorithm is equivalent to ID3. """ def __init__(self, dataset, problem): self.dataset = dataset self.problem = problem self.root = self.learn(dataset, set(self.attributes), dataset)
[docs] def learn(self, examples, attributes, parent_examples): """ A decision tree learner that *strictly* follows the pseudocode given in AIMA. In 3rd edition, see Figure 18.5, page 702. """ if not examples: return self.plurality_value(parent_examples) elif len(set(map(, examples))) == 1: return self.plurality_value(examples) elif not attributes: return self.plurality_value(examples) A = max(attributes, key=lambda a: self.importance(a, examples)) tree = DecisionTreeNode(attribute=A) for value in set(map(A, examples)): exs = [e for e in examples if A(e) == value] subtree = self.learn(exs, attributes - set([A]), examples) tree.add_branch(value, subtree) return tree
def plurality_value(self, examples): if not examples: raise ValueError("Dataset is empty") counter = Counter( for example in examples: counter.add(example) tree = DecisionTreeNode() # Note that tie is *not* solved randomly here tree.set_results_from_counts(counter) return tree
[docs] def importance(self, attribute, examples): """ AIMA implies that importance should be information gain. Since AIMA only defines it for binary features this implementation was based on the wikipedia article: """ gain_counter = OnlineInformationGain(attribute, for example in examples: gain_counter.add(example) return gain_counter.get_gain()
[docs] def classify(self, example): node = walk_to_leaf(self.root, example) return node.result
[docs]class NaiveBayes(Classifier): """ Implements a classifier that uses the Bayes' theorem. """
[docs] def learn(self): # Frequency count of target classes self.C = OnlineLogProbability() # Frequency count of P(Fi|C): self.Fi = defaultdict(lambda: # For each class, defaultdict(lambda: # For each attribute, OnlineLogProbability())) # For each value, count it for example in self.dataset: class_ = self.C.add(class_) for attribute in self.attributes: value = attribute(example) self.Fi[class_][attribute].add(value) if not self.C: raise ValueError("Dataset is empty") # Cripple defaultdict to a regular dict, so now it can rasie KeyError self.Fi.default_factory = None for d in list(self.Fi.values()): d.default_factory = None
[docs] def classify(self, example): values = [(attribute, attribute(example)) for attribute in self.attributes] hypotheses = [] for class_ in self.C: try: ps = [self.Fi[class_][attr][val] for attr, val in values] except KeyError: continue # A value not seen in training, so Prob(class) == 0 ps.append(self.C[class_]) hypotheses.append((sum(ps), class_)) if hypotheses: logprob, best = max(hypotheses) Z = numpy.logaddexp.reduce([p for p, class_ in hypotheses]) logprob = logprob - Z else: # Something not at all seen in training, return best a priori logprob, best = max((p, class_) for class_, p in self.C.iteritems()) p = numpy.exp(logprob) assert 0.0 <= p and p <= 1.0 return best, p
[docs]class KNearestNeighbors(Classifier): """ Classifies objects based on closest training example. Uses the k-nearest examples from the training and gets the most common classification among these. To use this classifier the problem must define a `distance` method to messure the distance between two examples. """ def __init__(self, dataset, problem, k=1): self.k = k super(KNearestNeighbors, self).__init__(dataset, problem)
[docs] def learn(self): try: next(iter(self.dataset)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Empty dataset") try: example = next(iter(self.dataset)) self.problem.distance(example, example) except NotImplementedError: message = "Classification problem not suitable for KNN. " \ "A problem with a distance defined is needed." raise ValueError(message)
[docs] def classify(self, example): distances = [(self.problem.distance(e, example), e) for e in self.dataset] best = sorted(distances)[:self.k] counter = Counter( for _, example in best: counter.add(example) items = [(x[1], x[0]) for x in list(counter.items())] items.sort(reverse=True) return (items[0][1], items[0][0] /
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Saves the classifier to `filepath`. Because this classifier needs to save the dataset, it must be something that can be pickled and not something like an iterator. """ if not filepath or not isinstance(filepath, str): raise ValueError("Invalid filepath") with open(filepath, "wb") as filehandler: pickle.dump(self, filehandler)
def path_to_leaf(node, example): while node is not None: yield node node = node.take_branch(example) def walk_to_leaf(node, example): for node in path_to_leaf(node, example): pass return node def iter_tree(root): q = [(None, root, 0)] while q: value, node, depth = q.pop() yield value, node, depth for value, child in list(node.branches.items()): q.append((value, child, depth + 1)) def tree_to_str(root): """ Returns a string representation of a decision tree with root node `root`. """ xs = [] for value, node, depth in iter_tree(root): template = "{indent}" if node is not root: template += "case={value}\t" if node.attribute is None: template += "result={result} -- P={prob:.2}" else: template += "split by {split}:\t" +\ "(partial result={result} -- P={prob:.2})" line = template.format(indent=" " * depth, value=value, result=node.result[0], prob=node.result[1], split=str(node.attribute)) xs.append(line) return "\n".join(xs) class DecisionTreeNode(object): """ A node of a decision tree. """ def __init__(self, attribute=None): self.branches = {} self.attribute = attribute self.parent = None self.result = None def take_branch(self, example): """ Returns a `DecisionTreeNode` instance that can better classify `example` based on the selectors value. If there are no more branches (ie, this node is a leaf) or the attribute gives a value for an unexistent branch then this method returns None. """ if self.attribute is None: return None value = self.attribute(example) return self.branches.get(value, None) def set_results_from_counts(self, counts): self.counts = counts total = sum(counts.values()) majority = max(counts, key=counts.get) # Max frequency self.result = (majority, counts[majority] / float(total)) def add_branch(self, value, branch=None): assert not value in self.branches if branch is None: branch = self.__class__() self.branches[value] = branch branch.parent = self return branch
[docs]class DecisionTreeLearner_Queued(Classifier): """ This implementations has a few improvements over the one based on the book: -It uses a queue instead of recursion, so the python stack limit is never reached. -In case an attribute has a value not seen in training the intermediate nodes can give a "best so far" classification. -Abusive re-iteration of the train examples is avoided by calculating at the same time all information gains of a single node split. This algorithm is equivalent to ID3. """
[docs] def learn(self): if not self.attributes: self.root = self._single_node_tree() return self.root = DecisionTreeNode() q = [(self.root, self.dataset)] while q: node, examples = q.pop() A = self._max_gain_split(examples) counts = A.get_target_class_counts() branches = A.get_branches() # Base case exception if node is self.root: node.set_results_from_counts(counts) if len(counts) == 1: continue # Avoid splitting when there's a single target class if len(branches) == 1: continue # Avoid splitting when there's a single child branch # Finally, go ahead and split node.attribute = A.attribute for value, counts in A.get_branches(): branch = node.add_branch(value) branch.set_results_from_counts(counts) bdataset = [e for e in examples if node.attribute(e) == value] q.append((branch, bdataset))
def _max_gain_split(self, examples): """ Returns an OnlineInformationGain of the attribute with max gain based on `examples`. """ gains = self._new_set_of_gain_counters() for example in examples: for gain in gains: gain.add(example) winner = max(gains, key=lambda gain: gain.get_gain()) if not winner.get_target_class_counts(): raise ValueError("Dataset is empty") return winner def _new_set_of_gain_counters(self): """ Creates a new set of OnlineInformationGain objects for each attribute. """ return [OnlineInformationGain(attribute, for attribute in self.attributes] def _single_node_tree(self): c = Counter( for example in self.dataset: c.add(example) node = DecisionTreeNode() node.set_results_from_counts(c) return node
[docs] def classify(self, example): node = walk_to_leaf(self.root, example) return node.result
[docs]class DecisionTreeLearner_LargeData(DecisionTreeLearner_Queued): """ This implementations is specifically designed to handle large dataset that don't fit into memory and has more improvements over the queued one: -Data is processed one-at-a-time, so the training data doesn't need to fit in memory. -The amount of times the train data is read is aproximately log(N) full iterations (from first to last) for a dataset with N examples. This is because the gain from all splits from all leaf nodes are estimated simultaneuosly, so every time the train data is read completely a full new level of the tree (ie, nodes with equal depth, leaves) is expanded simultaneously. This algorithm is equivalent to ID3. Is very important to note that in order to have a small memory footprint the `minsample` argument has to be set to a reasonable size, otherwhise there will be one tree leaf for every example in the training set and this totally defeats the pourpose of having a large data version of the algorithm. """ def __init__(self, dataset, problem, minsample=1): self.minsample = minsample super(DecisionTreeLearner_Queued, self).__init__(dataset, problem)
[docs] def learn(self): if not self.attributes: self.root = self._single_node_tree() return self.root = DecisionTreeNode() leaves = {self.root: self._new_set_of_gain_counters()} while leaves: leaf = None for example in self.dataset: leaf = walk_to_leaf(self.root, example) if leaf not in leaves: continue # Don't split leaves that where ignored for gain_counter in leaves[leaf]: gain_counter.add(example) if leaf is None: raise ValueError("Dataset is empty") old_leaves = leaves leaves = {} for leaf, gains in list(old_leaves.items()): winner = max(gains, key=lambda gain: gain.get_gain()) counts = winner.get_target_class_counts() # WARNING not really sure why this needed to be change # to >= from just >, fixing errors in python 3 branches = [(v, c) for v, c in winner.get_branches() if >= self.minsample] # Base case exception if leaf is self.root: leaf.set_results_from_counts(counts) if len(counts) == 1: continue # No split when there's a single target class if len(branches) <= 1: continue # No split when there's a single child branch # Or all branches are too small # Finally, go ahead and split leaf.attribute = winner.attribute for value, counts in branches: branch = leaf.add_branch(value) branch.set_results_from_counts(counts) leaves[branch] = self._new_set_of_gain_counters()